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© Ampersand Variations



A walkshop is an invitation to walk the streets in an exploratory and adventurous way. During the walkshop, a walking workshop led by walking artist Alisa Oleva, we will spend time listening, walking, observing, noticing, and sharing. We will do a soundwalk and practice deep listening techniques. We will get lost and follow lines. How does the city move us and how do we move it? Where is the place where you can see everyone but no one can see you? How long can you follow a line, or a stranger? What are the routes you take every day? Where would you really like to go?

The walkshop will be in English with translations in Lëtzebuergesch, German and French.

This workshop is part of the Esch2022 project Desire Lines by the multidisciplinary artist collective Ampersand Variations. Desire Lines is a collaborative research and performance project that investigates the choices we make with our feet. The artists explore how landscape and architecture, and the pathways between, all nurture our imaginations and help us define ourselves in an everchanging world. The project includes workshops and regular walks and encounters with local communities, the development of different audiowalks in the region, a site specific performance for the Nuit de la Culture d'Esch in 2021, and a participatory site-specific performance in Lasauvage in July 2022.

Practical informations: Due to the restrictions currently in place, we ask you to confirm your participation by e-mail at info@stadhaus.lu or by phone at 58 77 1-1900.

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